Anti -Viral Formula

Anti -Viral Formula

Regular price $20.00

ti - Viral Formula is a Blend of Certified organic, therapeutic essential oils that are effective at fighting colds/flus. Oils like Cinnamon Leaf, Melissa and Patchouli.  The chemical components that make this blend effective are (just to name a few):

1,8 cineole has anti-viral potential and is believed to act before the virus attaches and penetrates into cells.

D-Limeonene-activates white blood cells and fights infections.

Cital- is an anti inflammatory and has immunostimulant activity.

Patchouli alcohol - an immunostimulant that is active against the flu-virus.

Eugenol- effective against acute illnesses involving infections.

Menthol-opens airways, uplifts mood, anti inflammatory

Menthone- anti viral potential, acts before viruses attaches and penetrates into-cells.

With this blend it is important to us topical as it needs 5-10 minutes exposure to be most effective.

*Always check with your doctor before using a new product or supplement.  Essential oils are not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent or cure any disease.

How to Use:

Rub on wrists, behind ears, bottoms of feet and /or on chest 3-5 times a day or as needed.  Can use 3-5 drops on tongue 3-5 times a day. Can be used effectively with Lung Healing and /or Allergy Sinus 2.0